
Researcher, let IRTAmar® take care of everything.

How many times have we come across scientists trying to design and build their own RAS system to carry out their experiments. Their work is commendable, but in most cases unfortunately it ends in failure, many dead fish, wasted time and the money for your essay thrown down the drain.

There are many aspects that must be considered when designing a RAS system and in-depth knowledge in hydraulics, water physics and chemistry, engineering, biology, automation and, in addition, having had a long experience with these systems for everything to go well.

Let’s not lose sight of the fact that although the researcher wants to have culture conditions like those of a production system so that his trial can be extrapolated to the sector, the important thing for the researcher is not the fish production itself, but the data and information that will be extracted from the system. Data traceability and security is their priority.

Who wants to do an essay where the variables are not those of your working hypothesis but the problems of your system’s functioning?

Sometimes, we have also come across researchers who have acquired RAS equipment on the market that can work in certain circumstances but that is not at all designed for the needs of the researcher and in the end a poorly advised purchase or going to look for the cheapest on the market, is always very expensive, because either you will not be able to extract the information you need in a professional way or you will not have the flexibility that these RAS systems for research they need, where one day you work with a freshwater species and another with a saltwater species and in different phases of cultivation.

On the other hand, having a Formula One car in recirculation does not guarantee that you will know how to drive it well, you will need training with the best drivers.

At IRTA we have been modelling and designing specific recirculation equipment for our researchers and their nutrition, reproduction, larval culture, animal welfare, pathology and challenge trials for more than 25 years.

IRTAmar® equipment not only offers you the latest in RAS technology for research, but also offers you free training in its facilities where there are currently 40 systems working and you will work if you need with its researchers and technicians learning how to use IRTAmar® from the best professionals.

Can you imagine a system that works practically autonomously and with which you can communicate remotely in the cloud with your laptop or mobile phone and be able to extract reports, data and make a comprehensive management and planning of your plant or research center? Well, that exists, and it’s called IRTAmar®.

Researcher, let IRTAmar® take care of everything, and you dedicate your time to what really matters, your essay.

SOMMAR Platfom

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