
IRTAmar®, a Successful RAS History in Aquaculture

Our story begins at IRTA 25 years ago, allowing us to reach our current proposal, integrated by IRTA and INGESOM, into a Comprehensive Service Platform aimed at promoting aquaculture using RAS technology. We focus on facilitating the conditions to generate knowledge that can be easily transferred from research institutions to the industry.

Our story begins at IRTA 25 years ago when we had to work in complex and changing environmental conditions. The location of this research center, in the heart of Alfacs Bay in the Ebro Delta, meant that using seawater directly from the environment, due to toxic phytoplankton blooms and thermal changes, prevented the performance of controlled experimental tests. Initially, a considerable number of trials failed, and researchers had to make an extraordinary effort to adapt to those conditions.

SOMMAR Platfom

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