Aquaculture goes beyond farming animals for human consumption; it encompasses a broader mission. It is not only about feeding humanity but also leveraging the technological advancements in aquatic farming for the conservation of species. The …
Category: Blog
IRTAmar®es simplicidad y replicabilidad
Cristóbal Aguilera (IRTA): IRTAmar®es simplicidad y replicabilidad en cualquier escenario acuícola. Descubre sus ventajas en este vídeo.
Full vegetables aquaponics & grey mullet
Our aquaponics system, IRTAponics, is beginning to become a lush garden. Enjoy the video.
Aquaponics glassworts (salicornia) time-lapse
Tecnología aplicada a la investigación en acuicultura
Óscar Benavent (INGESOM): IRTAmar® es robustez, fiabilidad y facilidad de uso. Descubre sus ventajas en este vídeo.
Acuaponía: un complemento sostenible para la acuicultura
Artículo publicado por Enric Gisbert (Investigador Responsable del Programa de Acuicultura del IRTA) en Ruta Pesquera Noviembre-Diciembre 2024 número 167. IRTAponics is part of the CONCAT LL, which has indirectly received funding from the European …
The art of challenging (post by Enric Gisbert)
When testing functional feeds intended to enhance a host’s immune response, it is essential to expose the target species to a pathogen in order to assess how the feed additive strengthens disease resistance. Today is …
Back to basics, yes, but with current technology
Jean Ko Din, in the latest edition of RASTECH (Vol 7. No.3 Fall 2024) refers to the fact that bad news associated with the use and operation of RAS systems has much more impact than …
Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are fiendishly complicated… not so much
In his very interesting article in The FishSite, Matej Leskovec recently asked himself if the time had come to rethink traditional biofiltration systems in current RAS systems. It is a question that contains a lot …
The revolution in aquaponics is coming…